Extended Family, all 14 Grandchildren

July 04, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Hello Friends & Fans!

I've worked with Silvia before when I took newborn pictures for her son Mr. C and was delighted to work with her again to get all the Grandchildren together as a gift to the Grandparents. Thirteen showed up and I set a follow-up session for one missing cousin. That makes the grand total to fourteen! I'm not an expert at Photoshop so please don't assume I can do this every time. It does come at an extra cost and time delay but I'm happy with the end result in this scenario. I do have to say that they are a good looking bunch and are lucky kids to have such great looking genes running in their blood.


Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens


Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

This square collage can be made into a huge 24x24 canvas, book cover, or mounted print. I believe there are 40-50 images here.

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Since it was Mr. C needed some Six Month portraits, I took a few extra minutes to capture his adorable face. I don't think he lost a single strand of amazing hair since he was born. Such a lucky little guy!

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens


Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Fort Worth Family Photographer; Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

I had a great time meeting all the family and I look forward to seeing Mr. C grow through his First Year!


Michelle J.N. | Photographer
MJNolte Photography
[email protected]
Aledo | Fort Worth | Dallas


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