Newborn K In February

February 29, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Hello Friends & Fans! The lovely Miss K was 8 days old for her photo shoot. She has a lovely room and is on the right track to be a princess. Miss K gave me a run for my money. She was so alert and loved stretching out. We still worked together to get those great pictures. I can just imagine some canvases being added to the wall from this session. I'm sure you'll see what I mean :)


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The great head band got Miss K's mommy inspired to make a tutu to match it. I LOVE purple and tutus are so fun for girls!

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I usually bring a few props to help with a newborn session but prefer to use what my clients have in their home. Miss K's room had tons of items to use to personalize her session. Miss K's mommy customized that baby blocks to include the birth information. Love it!

This pink monkey beanie with a bow on top is so cute! It is so precious.

I love the antique scale. Miss K wanted to stretch out on in during her pictures. The scrolling that you see on the wall is the frame for an awesome mirror in the room.


The Peacock Feather headband is so cute! I'm personally a fan of feathers and would want this feather for myself, LOL.

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Miss K's Mom & Dad did a fantastic job on creating a great room for a little princess.

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Michelle J.N. | Photographer
MJNolte Photography
[email protected]
Aledo | Fort Worth | Dallas


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