Real Life Advice
•Marry your best friend. You'll never have to wish you were with anyone else.
•Spend more money on your pictures than your cake. That top tier is probably going to taste freezer burned in a year anyway. Your pictures will only get better with age if you invest up front.
•Look your absolute best. This requires a professional makeup artist. Period.
•Print your pictures. Better yet, bind them in leather to last a while. Your DVD will become obsolete. But the technology of your album will never change. Open & enjoy.
•Stress less than your mom, more than your groom.
•Invest in floral displays, not bridesmaids bouquets to be tossed away. However, make sure your bouquet is the main event!
•Read a book about sex. If it hasn't already, it's about to rock your world. I know. Your mom didn't tell you that and now you're blushing. Don't. Be a woman. Love your body. Learn to embrace it. You'll be happier that way.
•Romance is a noun, whereas love is a verb. Act accordingly.
•Don't forget that your groom does care about some things. Not all, but some.
•If you want to look happy on your wedding day, be happy. Go with the flow. Arrive a bit frazzled to your black tie session? Be honest with me. You're not the first.
•Request a completely unique location for your blacktie session. Why? I'm more creative that way. You may have to help me brainstorm, but surely there's somewhere new we can go. This world isn't so small.
•Details are important, but they're not that important.
•Communication is key. Once you've finalized your wedding day schedule, send me a detailed itinerary and I won't miss a beat. Once you're married and back to real life, get a joint Google calendar account with your husband so he won't miss a beat.
•Men like to be fed and smiled at. Daily.
•Laughing together is the only way your marriage will thrive. Crying together is important too.
•Weddings are expensive, especially for dad. Tell him thanks once in a while. He loves you. Your mom loves you too. She's just a little stressed right now.
•Be patient.
•Keep dating your spouse even after you get married. You'll still want the special attention and time together even after being together for years.